Kuku radio is an official Shell Helix Estonia rally radio
The most operative and effective information channel of Shell Helix Rally Estonia is rally radio. Like last year official rally radio is Kuku radio. Rally radio brings all the action from every stage end, comments from the service area and also entertainment.
Kuku rally radio starts on Friday 19.30, is on the air through the Saturday and Sunday till the end of the podium. The frequencies of the rally radio are 104,2 MHz in Tartu and 91,8 MHz in Otepää. Kuku rally radio is available also in the internet http://player.kuku.ee/ralliraadio
In the studio are sheering the emotions Marek Lindmaa and Oskars Kaneps-Kalninš, stage end reporters are Gunnar Siiner and Mikk Saarela. Avo Elme in the studio is responsible for all the technical side.