Delfi Rally Estonia
Fia WRC Autosport

lodging house

There are 2 rooms for overnight stays, 1 has a door that locks and there is a double bed 160 wide, the other room without a door is a so-called big room where you can sleep on a sofa, an outdoor bed and a sleeping bag on the floor on a mattress (need to bring your own). I would like decent guests as I am a single woman. There is no TV.

There is a balcony where you can smoke. There is a refrigerator and a freezer. The washing machine can also be used.



Location Põlva vald
Contact Kaili
Phone 555 378 68
Language eesti, inglise, vene
Type flat
Number of persons 5
Rooms 2
Beds 4
Bathrooms 1
Price: 50.00 € night

- Area of Rally


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