Delfi Rally Estonia
Fia WRC Autosport

Second floor of a house in Tartu

Two double and two single beds plus one extendable sofa. On the second floor there is a bathroom with a toilet and it’s possible to use the kitchen downstairs. The price is for up to 4 people, every extra bed is plus 10€! On the first floor there are three cats and a dog, who aren’t allowed upstairs by a door. The animals are friendly, carefully should only be handled the black cat.

Big garden, for a fan of cats 3 cats

Elumaja teine korrus Tartus, Karlova linnaosas


Location Tartu
Contact Triinu
Language eesti, inglise
Type part of house
Number of persons 7
Rooms 4
Beds 7
Bathrooms 1
Price: 100.00 € night

- Area of Rally

Elumaja teine korrus Tartus, Karlova linnaosas

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